
Showing posts from May, 2020

Activate personal training

You’re probably familiar with the traditional idea of personal training. At Activate Clinic, we do things a little differently to most. We believe in regular exercise, but through the use of proven scientific principles, we help you get results without risking further injury. All our personal training sessions are provided by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist who is trained in the biological interactions that occur through exercise. We are Hany & Steph and we are the co-founders of Activate Clinic. We also happen to be happily married to each other!!We initially launched Activate Clinic as a traditional health clinic but discovered that we would actually need to create brand new approach to effectively impact people’s health. The truth that we have learned is that no two people are the same. Therefore there is no set “solution” to each problem. HOWEVER…the answers can be found by applying proven strategies and assessing their results on your health.As a result we’re de